My Blog

A blabberfest of run-on emotions and exaggerations whispers of doubt and shouts of twentysomethings angst of thanks of unrequited regrets dreams and more, more dharma more spazz more jazz more of the stark ugly thoughts of the half truths and starry wide wants, of feeling and touch, of nothing at all. Of me.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

Moving on

- Investment banking (miserable but gadgetry is a plus) to business school to finance shop (miserable possibly) to corporate strategy to own company (failure possibly) - Investment banking (blah blah) and/or finance job to business school to public policy job in developing nations - Freelance agency producer (hand-to-mouth) to advertising producer (boredom and/or meager living possibly) - Freelance agency producer to film production assistant (non-livable wages for eons) to film production (failure is big) - Architecture school (five years or less) to architect (meager wages for a long time without assurances of desired position) to own company - Journalism school (no experience so most likely a crappy position is needed before) to journalist (lifelong position possibly) to editorship and/or analyst job - Writer (uh huh) - History masters/phD (long stint in academia) to public policy possibly - Depend on mom and dad till they die then maybe mooch off brother Things to consider: Time usage/waste, purchasing power now versus later, purchasing power priority/non-priority, life outside of work v. work complementing life, travel, dog, geographical preference, parents, personal welfare and happiness now, tomorrow, and in the long-run (risk)