Moving on
- Investment banking (miserable but gadgetry is a plus) to business school to finance shop (miserable possibly) to corporate strategy to own company (failure possibly) - Investment banking (blah blah) and/or finance job to business school to public policy job in developing nations - Freelance agency producer (hand-to-mouth) to advertising producer (boredom and/or meager living possibly) - Freelance agency producer to film production assistant (non-livable wages for eons) to film production (failure is big) - Architecture school (five years or less) to architect (meager wages for a long time without assurances of desired position) to own company - Journalism school (no experience so most likely a crappy position is needed before) to journalist (lifelong position possibly) to editorship and/or analyst job - Writer (uh huh) - History masters/phD (long stint in academia) to public policy possibly - Depend on mom and dad till they die then maybe mooch off brother Things to consider: Time usage/waste, purchasing power now versus later, purchasing power priority/non-priority, life outside of work v. work complementing life, travel, dog, geographical preference, parents, personal welfare and happiness now, tomorrow, and in the long-run (risk)